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EM•1® Effective Microorganisms® for Enhanced Natural & Organic Greenhouse Horticulture

Greenhouses are intensive growing environments that can extend the growing season and increase crop yields. Plants in greenhouses may also experience stress due to heat and soil drying out. EM•1® supports greenhouse environments in several key ways:


  • Grows and supports high quality greenhouse crops, potted plants, and seedlings.

  • Enhances greenhouse horticulture and floriculture naturally by quickly establishing a beneficial micro-ecology that promotes extremely stable growing conditions and safeguards against common stress-related problems, such as over watering.

  • Maintains organic greenhouse standards and is approved for use without restrictions on Certified Organic operations (OMRI Listed).

  • Enhances greenhouse fertilizer.

  • Help reduce problems associated with soils drying out and being re-hydrated due to improved soil texture and structure.

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